SunLink Warranty
SunLink Offers A Solar Service Package That Leads The Industry.
SunLink provides a top-notch service package that includes daily system monitoring, maintenance, repairs, and insurance. Every lease, PPA, and prepaid lease plan comes with this comprehensive service. You can compare SunLink various plans and services to see which one suits you best.
Comprehensive Warranty For Solar System Available
SunLink offers a comprehensive warranty that covers everything from equipment replacement to system repairs, including labor and parts. We partner with top equipment manufacturers and have installation crews with over 20 years of experience to ensure your system operates at peak performance. ensures that our roof penetrations will be watertight for at least 10 years. For more details on your warranty, refer to your SunLink contract.
Active Monitoring Of Solar System Performance
In addition to your ability to check in on your system via the mobile app, with our PPA and lease plans we also monitor your system daily, to proactively address any potential issues.