Hear what our customers have to say about us

Protection Against Power Outages

“I looked outside and everything was pitch black. A car hit a light pole and knocked out the power for the whole neighborhood, but we were still up and running”

Cleaner air

“The whole nation should prioritize solar energy because gasoline and coal are harmful to people’s respiratory system.”

Clean backup power

“The electricity was out for approximately an hour, but it provided me with peace of mind that the SunLink battery was operating exactly as we had anticipated.”

Manageable Bills

“Solar panels provide me with the confidence that my electricity bills will remain affordable.”

Create a better future

“Making a small contribution towards a cleaner environment has a far-reaching impact beyond just cost savings.”

Have more fun!

“our family has more opportunities to do the things we love!”

Be prepared for whatever heads your way.

“Thanks to SunLink, I no longer have to be concerned in case of another calamity.”

Prioritize family

“The electricity meter used to spin relentlessly, and all I could do was watch the bills go up. But, I haven’t had to worry about that since getting solar.”
